Infrared Roof Scans

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Ways to Save on Your Commercial Utility Bills

If you are responsible for the maintenance of a large building or factory, rising energy bills are an ongoing concern. This past summer has seen record heat waves, resulting in increased energy consumption as we try to keep cool. Now as the seasons start to change and it begins to get cold, high energy costs continue to be a factor.
Proper building insulation is the most significant factor in reducing the energy consumption required to heat or cool a building. Unless you have a very old building, today’s insulation does not “go bad”. This doesn’t mean you can breathe a huge sigh of relief just yet.
Building showing massive heat loss
Two insulation factors can affect energy performance. First, missing insulation is a common problem. Once the walls go up, it’s hard to tell if your insulation is installed properly or if it’s missing entirely in places.
Second, if you have or have had any type of water leaks or moisture seepage, the insulation may be wet. Wet insulation has almost no insulating value at all.

Missing Insulation

Thermal imaging services can accurately identify weak areas inside a building envelope. Using infrared thermal imaging, we can accurately determine the areas where insulation is insufficient, areas where there are water penetration problems, and air leakage through the building envelope.

Commercial building thermography is non-invasive and cost-efficient. Local insulation improvement can reduce heat loss during the winter or heat escape during the summer. The larger your building, the greater your potential savings.

When was the last time you checked what was going on behind the walls? Want more information? Call me at 803-328-2889 or drop me an email!

We believe so strongly in using Infrared Thermal Imaging for your Predictive Maintenance, that we created a Discount Membership for our repeat customers. Learn more about it here:

IR Infrared Services provides top quality thermographic service at a competitive price to commercial and residential end users in North Carolina and South Carolina. For more information, visit or follow us on Twitter: We are proud to offer the very best thermography services in North and South Carolina!

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