Infrared Roof Scans

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Construction Defects: Foundation Clearance

Last week I blogged about commercial roof structure defects. What about the opposite problem? How about construction defects at the very foundation of your building?

At-grade foundation clearance refers to ensuring that not only the building foundation but also any facade materials have clearance from at-grade soil and concrete flatwork. Why is this important?

If at-grade foundation clearance is not properly observed, significant moisture intrusion can occur into the facade materials and the structure interior as well. Imagine having to rip out significant portions of both facade, drywall, and framing for repair and remediation of mold, biological growth and rot!

Infrared thermography can detect moisture intrusion problems and water migration paths that lead to deterioration of sheathing, sill plate and framing - before the problem becomes insurmountable. Is it time to pro-actively check your at-grade foundation clearance?

Interested in learning more? Call me at 803-328-2889 and let’s talk!

IR Infrared Services provides top quality thermographic service at a competitive price to commercial users in North Carolina and South Carolina. For more information, visit our website or follow us on Twitter:  We are proud to offer the very best infrared thermography services in North Carolina and South Carolina!

*Ideas for this blog entry derived from:
Infrared Applications in the Fields of Forensic & Construction Defect Engineering, Fronapfel, E.L. & Amhaus, E.G., InfraMation 2003, ITC 092 A 2003-08-15

1 comment:

  1. Awesome. I never thought about infrared thermography being used to detect construction defects. I can see how that would work though. My husband owns his own construction company and they fix things like foundations cracks.
