Infrared Roof Scans

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How Do You Test 30,000 Failure Points?

Imagine a facility with miles and miles of conveyor belts. Idler bearings are set every 12 feet or so. In an average facility with approximately 80 miles of conveyor belts – that adds up to over 30,000 possible failure points. Wow. How long do you think it would take to manually check and monitor each of those bearings?

How much would it cost in production time, manhours, and maintenance hours to identify and fix the problem if you missed just one of those 30,000 points? I don’t know about you, but those odds seem just slightly better than me winning the lottery!

On the other hand, a good condition-based monitoring plan would use infrared imaging technology to periodically monitor the conveyor belt. A certified thermographer can use and infrared camera to examine each belt segment. Since a bearing will operate at a higher temperature prior to failure, potential issues can be easily identified and fixed.

Is it time to call me to set up an appointment to discuss your condition-based monitoring needs?

Interested in learning more? Call me at 803-328-2889 and let’s talk!

IR Infrared Services provides top quality thermographic service at a competitive price to commercial and residential end users in North Carolina and South Carolina. For more information, visit or follow us on Twitter: We are proud to offer the very best thermography services in North and South Carolina!

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